Avoid Delays When Visiting A 24 Hour Bail Bonds Service


The best part about the services that a 24-hour bail bondsman—such as Valencia Bail Bonds—offers, is the fact that you are able to use these services to get your loved one out of jail no matter what time of day or night it is when they are arrested. However, while you may have access to these bail bonds services around the clock, ensuring that this process is completed quickly will require you to be well prepared when visiting your local bonds office. Continue reading to learn more about all the information you will need to collect before heading to the bonds office.

Legal And Personal Information For The Person Who Is Incarcerated

In order to issue a bond for your loved one, a bondsman will need all of their legal and personal information. This includes an address where this individual will be staying after their release, as well as any references or employer information that can help the bondsman locate them in the event that they violate the terms of their release. You will also be asked to provide information regarding the charges currently brought against them, as well as any information regarding their criminal history. 

Personal And Income Information For Yourself

While the bond you are securing is for the benefit of the person who has been incarcerated, the contract for this bond is being made between you and the bondsman. That is why you will be required to provide them with all of your personal information such as date of birth, current address, social security number, and current employer. You will typically be asked to provide a photo ID in order to prove your identity.

In addition to identifying information, you will typically be asked to provide proof of your income in order to demonstrate that you have the financial ability to pay for the full amount of the bond if the terms of the bond are broken. This can usually be accomplished by supplying your most recent pay stub or bank statement. 

Collateral Information When Applicable

Some bonds will need to be secured using collateral. This is often the case when an individual's bail amount is set higher than usual or when an individual has a history of defaulting on the terms of their release. If you are required to provide collateral in order to secure a bond, you will need to have all of the relevant information for the property that you plan to put up for collateral. For example, if you plan on using your home as collateral, you will need to bring the deed to the property with you when visiting a bail bonds office.


21 March 2022

launguage used in financing contracts

My son is a very active little boy. I love the fact that he always wants to be outside running around and climbing on things, but was unhappy with the choices that he was making on what to climb on and where to run around. Because of this, I started looking into getting some money together to build him safe place to burn off all of his energy outside. Before I decided on any financing option, I took some time to learn about the language used in financing contracts so that I would not end up making a big mistake. Visit through my blog to learn about financing contract language to help protect yourself from poor financing decisions.