Buying a car outright can be difficult if you don't have the cash or you have no credit history. Some people shy away from credit cards, so when it is time to take a big loan, they have no credit history. Auto financing with no credit then becomes an issue for people without a credit history or people with a bad credit score. How Much Do You Have? Budget and decide if you can buy a car outright immediately, in a few months or even in a year's time.
28 December 2017
Filing for bankruptcy can be a major financial setback. However, in some instances it is necessary in order to be able to discharge debts that cannot be paid. Recovering from a bankruptcy can take years, however it is possible to get back into a financially healthy situation. After filing many feel that owning a home is something that is out of reach. However, home ownership after bankruptcy is certainly possible. Here are a few things to know about getting a home loan after filing for bankruptcy.
31 August 2017
Are you planning on buying your first car? If so, you will likely need a car loan. Some people get anxious when they think of the prospect of applying for loans. However, applying for car loans is relatively easy, and there are a few things that you can do to ensure that the car buying process is less stressful. Credit It is important to know your credit score before you apply for car loans.
13 June 2017