Understanding How Fees Work With Bail Bond Agents


You might encounter a time when you need to bail someone out of jail. If you have never done this before, it might be a brand-new experience for you, which means you might not know how the process works. It might be beneficial to learn the process before you need to use it, and the main thing to understand is the fees. You must pay fees for the service, and here is an explanation of how the fees work with bail bond agent services.

The Basics of Bail Bonds

First, you might benefit from learning about a few basic details related to bail bonds before proceeding to the fee structure. The main thing to know is that you pay a bail bond agent to bail someone out of jail. The agent you hire pays the cash bond to the jail, and the jail lets the person out. You are responsible for the person the jail released, and you must follow the contract with the bail bond agent. You will have to pay some money for the services, but it will be much less than the cash bond. The cash bond is the amount the jail sets for the person's release. When the defendant completes the court case for the criminal charges, the deal with the bail bond agent ends. You owe them nothing, and they owe you nothing.

The Fees You Pay

Therefore, when you hire a bail bond agent, they will need to know a few things. First, they need the defendant's name and location. They must know the jail name to work on the release, and they need the person's name to ensure that they bail out the right person. The bail bond agent also asks for the cash bond amount.

The cash bond amount refers to the amount the jail needs to release the person. If you use a bail bond agent, you will not have to pay this amount. Instead, you will pay only a small portion. The portion you must pay is usually 10% to 15% of the cash bond. When you pay this fee, the bail bond agent works on getting the person out of jail.

The Additional Costs You Might Incur

If everything goes well, you will never have to pay more money to the bail bond agent. If your friend does not go to court, though, you will owe the bail bond agent the entire cash bond amount. Make sure you understand this fully before hiring a bail bond agent to help someone get out of jail.

To learn more about bail bonds, contact a local bail bond agent.


23 December 2020

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